SAOI Categories


EDU_BA Basic Select Premier 30 Percent Discounts (For these products all Nonmembers share the same price. Basic/Select/Premier members receive a 30% discount)
EDU_BY By You For You Pricing (These webinars all share the following business/pricing rules: Nonmembers pay $19.96; All SA Members pay $0)
EDU_CH CHES Credits (These credit hours all share the following business/pricing rules: Nonmembers ineligible; All SA members pay $5)
EDU_FR All Free Pricing (Webinars that are open to everyone at 0$)
EDU_MS MISC Unique Discounts
EDU_SP Select Premier 30 Percent Discounts (For these products all Basic and Nonmembers share the same price. Select/Premier member receive a 30% discount)